Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week 6: Juxtaposition

As defined and explained by the lecturer, juxtaposition can mean, placing two variable, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison. It seems to me that the lesson means, that, by putting two things or two words together, it can make the human brain automatically associate or transfer meaning to it, whether to something familiar or something totally funny or ridiculous. Two words that could mean the opposite of each other, could even be put in one sentence and be made ordinary. The class gave examples according to the TV Series 'Lost', such as one example in which one of the characters die, but another character, who is a pregnant female, gives birth almost at the same time, giving a strong juxtaposition of life and death. Okay, so maybe this example is not so ordinary. In fact, I think it is deep. However, it is still something that everyone of us should know.

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